Head Start Policy Committee

Des Moines Public Schools has 18 Head Start classrooms; during the first few days of school the parents in each of these classrooms elect representatives to serve on Head Start Policy Committee. Since its start in 1965, Head Start has recognized the value of including parents as full partners in making decisions that concern them, their children, and the program. The practice of shared decision-making gives a voice to all concerned, and Policy Committee is one of the ways that parents can participate.

Policy Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at:

Mitchell Early Learning Center,

111 Porter Avenue, Des Moines IA, 50315

9:00-11:00 a.m.

This is an open meeting, all Head Start parents and members of the community are invited to attend.

At our October meeting these members were elected to serve in the following leadership positions for this year: Chair: Doneice Johnson, Vice Chair: Kelsey Sellers, Secretary: Taylor Drake

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