Preschool Options

preschool children

Des Moines Public Schools offers several preschool options to meet the needs of families.

All early childhood programs in Des Moines Public Schools, regardless of how they are funded, are under the same leadership.

Staff in each program follow the same policies and procedures, receive the same professional development, and use the same curriculum and assessments.

Programs are held to the highest of standards and are more alike than different.

The following is an overview of our preschool options in Des Moines:

Universal Preschool

Universal preschool is a state funded program designed to provide voluntary, universal access to high-quality preschool education programs for the state’s 4-year-olds. This is our largest program serving over 1,100 children. Classrooms are located throughout Des Moines in comprehensive schools, in our DMPS Early Learning Centers, and in partner locations.

Head Start Preschool

Head Start is a federally funded comprehensive child development program that serves income eligible children ages 3 to 5 and their families. The Des Moines Head Start program is a delegate of the Drake University Head Start program and serves over 400 children.

Montessori Preschool

Des Moines Public Schools is home to the only public Montessori programs in Iowa including Cowles Montessori School, which educates students through 8th grade. Cowles provides both a full-day and morning-only preschool for 3- and 4-year old children. Pleasant Hill Elementary offers full-day Montessori preschool for 4 year old children. Montessori educators serve as guides and facilitators, fostering a supportive and respectful learning environment where children are empowered to explore, collaborate, and learn from both successes and challenges.

Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services are available for eligible children three to five years of age. ECSE staff assist in the identification, assessment and development of an individualized educational plan for eligible children. A continuum of services are available tailored to meet the individual needs of each student, including integrated classroom settings with Head Start, Universal Preschool, and self contained programming. ECSE classrooms are located throughout Des Moines in comprehensive schools and in our DMPS Early Learning Centers.