Mitchell News

Mitchell Logo update 2023Parking at Mitchell:

  • Please enter the school driveway from Kenyon Avenue, it is a one-way driveway from Kenyon to Porter Avenue.
  • The parent parking lot is the long parking lot on the east side of the building. Please park on the east side of the parking lot when the car line is in use during drop-off and pick-up times.
  • Please do not park in the bus loading zone on Porter Avenue or in the staff parking lot. Obey all No Parking Signs on the streets surrounding the school.
  • Parents may enter the building through the front doors on the south-east side of the building at any time, please ring the bell in the entry way.
  • Please do not leave children unattended in your car while walking your preschooler in and out of Mitchell- not even for a minute; it is not safe.
  • Please hold your child’s hand when entering and exiting the building. Don’t allow them to run ahead. Take the time to cross parking lots and streets safely.

Thank you!