Universal Preschool 2024-2025

Universal Preschool Free Half-Day Program (3 hours)

Approximate AM Hours: Approximate PM Hours: Days in Session
Child must be 4 years old by September 15, 2024 (Children who are 5 by Sept. 15 are not eligible) 3 hours  3 hours 5 days
Jackson Elementary School 3825 Indianola Ave., 50320 7:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. 11:40 a.m.-2:40 p.m. Mon-Fri
Jefferson Elementary School 2425 Watrous Ave., 50321 7:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. 11:40 a.m.-2:40 p.m. Mon-Fri
Jesse Franklin Taylor Early Childhood Center 1801 16th Street, 50314 Start times vary by classroom Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri
McKee Early Childhood Center 2116 E 39th Court, 50317 Start times vary by classroom Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri
Mitchell Early Childhood Center 111 Porter Ave, 50315 Start times vary by classroom Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri
Woodlawn Early Childhood Center 4000 Lower Beaver Road, 50310 Start times vary by classroom Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri

Universal Preschool
Full-Day Program

Approximate Full Day Hours Days in Session
Cost TBD or 1 unit childcare assistance accepted for some sites or income-based scholarships are also available (cost subject to change). Child must be 4 years old by September 15, 2024 (Children who are 5 by Sept. 15th are not eligible.)   5 days
Greenwood Elementary
316 37th St, 50312
7 hour day. Start time follows elementary schedule. Mon-Fri
Jesse Franklin Taylor Early Childhood Center 1801 16th St, 50314  (Applicants must meet income guidelines for full day UPK.) 6.5 hour day. Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri
McKee Early Childhood Center
2115 E 39th Street, 50317
6.25 hour day. Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri
Mitchell Early Childhood Center
111 Porter Ave, 50315
6.25 hour day. Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri
Pleasant Hill Elementary Montessori preschool   4801 East Oakwood Drive, 50327 7 hour day. Start time follows elementary schedule. Mon-Fri
Walnut Street School
901 Walnut Street, 50309
7 hour day, Start time follows elementary schedule. Mon-Fri
Woodlawn Early Childhood Center
4000 Lower Beaver Rd. 50310
6.25 hour day. Start times vary by classroom Mon-Fri

Universal Preschool
Free Full-Day Program                                                                                                                    

(7 hours, wrap-around care available after school*)

Approximate Full Day Hours Days in Session
Applicants must meet income guidelines. Applicants must live within DMPS school boundaries (or have an older sibling currently enrolled in DMPS.) Child must be 4 years old by September 15, 2024 (Children who are 5 by Sept. 15th are not eligible.)
7 hours 5 days
Capitol View Elementary
320 East 16th St, 50316
Start time follows elementary schedule.* Mon-Fri
Carver Elementary
705 East University Ave, 50316
Start time follows elementary schedule.* Mon-Fri
Garton Elementary  (no wrap around care available)  2820 East 24th St, 50317 Start time follow elementary schedule Mon-Fri
Greenwood Elementary
316 37th St, 50312
Start time follows elementary schedule.* Mon-Fri
Jackson Elementary
3825 Indianola Ave, 50320
Start time follows elementary schedule.* Mon-Fri
Madison Elementary  (no wrap around care available) 806 East Hoffman St., 50316 Start time follow elementary schedule Mon-Fri


For preschool billing questions please contact Dorcey Cavil, in Business and Finance, at 242-8548.